Omega-3 oils are incorporated in bakery products, pastas, dairy
products such as milk, yogurt and juice as well as nutrition bars. Novel
microencapsulated oil prepared by Ocean Nutrition Canada, known as
MEG 3 remains protected from environment until it reaches the
gastrointestinal tract (Young & Conquer, 2008). A study by Conquer and
Holub (1998) showed that DHA supplementation in humans increased
serum DHA as non-esterified fatty acid at levels that were potentially
antithrombotic. Liu, Wallin, and Saldeen (2001) found a significant
increase in plasma omega-3 fatty acids and in HDL-cholesterol in 36
hyperlipidemic patients fed with bread containing fish oil. Park, Choi,
and Kim (2000) reported that fish oil had a protective effect against
cardiovascular disease by inhibiting hepatic HMG CoA reductase activity
and increasing hepatic microsomal fluidity, leading to a reduction in
plasma lipids. The ability of ω-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids to modulate
tumor-cell growth was demonstrated for EPA by Chiu and Wan (1999).