4.1. Operation of the QMRA and SLP modules in real time
An efficient supply of real-time data along the SC is essential for successful operation of the DSS. It may occur that in some parts of the food SC such real-time data supply is not possible. For these parts sensors with data loggers should be used and the data should be retrieved and sent to the DSS once the link is established again.
The environmental temperature as one of the most important parameters for predictive microbiology should be monitored in real time using thermometers with data loggers and where possible the data should be transmitted/sent to the DSS in real time. The simplified data transmission between the DSS and QMRA/SLP is presented in Fig. 4. Since the role of the QMRA and SLP are to predict future state of the product, this assumes use of SC environmental parameters which are yet to be recorded. Fig. 5 shows the SC temperature profile, where separate processes are indicated. In this example we consider that the product is at the point “t1” in the SC. The temperature profile is provided to the modules as two vectors where the first one contains the time of the measurement and the second one contains the recorded temperature. The vectors up to t1 are known since they have been recorded through real time monitoring (RTM), however, the vectors do not exist for the remaining part of the SC. For the remaining part of the SC the historic data should be used. This can be implemented by finding the average temperature from the historic data in each point of relevance in the SC. Using the PDF for the temperature in relevant points in the SC is also possible, however, this approach would increase the computational time. Since the QMRA estimate is based on the RTM up to a certain point in the SC and on the historic data in the remaining part of the SC, as the location in the SC changes, the QMRA estimate may change as well. In case that the RTM data is close to the historic data, the QMRA estimate would be approximately constant throughout the SC.
4.1 การดำเนินการของโม QMRA และ SLP ในเวลาจริงการจัดหาข้อมูลเวลาจริงตาม SC มีประสิทธิภาพเป็นสิ่งจำเป็นสำหรับการดำเนินงานประสบความสำเร็จของ DSS มันอาจเกิดขึ้นในบางส่วนของอาหาร SC อุปทานเช่นข้อมูลเวลาจริงว่าไม่ได้ สำหรับเซนเซอร์ข้อมูลชิ้นส่วนเหล่านี้ ควรใช้เครื่องบันทึก และข้อมูลควรเรียก และส่งไป DSS เมื่อสร้างการเชื่อมโยงอีกครั้งThe environmental temperature as one of the most important parameters for predictive microbiology should be monitored in real time using thermometers with data loggers and where possible the data should be transmitted/sent to the DSS in real time. The simplified data transmission between the DSS and QMRA/SLP is presented in Fig. 4. Since the role of the QMRA and SLP are to predict future state of the product, this assumes use of SC environmental parameters which are yet to be recorded. Fig. 5 shows the SC temperature profile, where separate processes are indicated. In this example we consider that the product is at the point “t1” in the SC. The temperature profile is provided to the modules as two vectors where the first one contains the time of the measurement and the second one contains the recorded temperature. The vectors up to t1 are known since they have been recorded through real time monitoring (RTM), however, the vectors do not exist for the remaining part of the SC. For the remaining part of the SC the historic data should be used. This can be implemented by finding the average temperature from the historic data in each point of relevance in the SC. Using the PDF for the temperature in relevant points in the SC is also possible, however, this approach would increase the computational time. Since the QMRA estimate is based on the RTM up to a certain point in the SC and on the historic data in the remaining part of the SC, as the location in the SC changes, the QMRA estimate may change as well. In case that the RTM data is close to the historic data, the QMRA estimate would be approximately constant throughout the SC.
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