Wind energy has become very popular in the last few years for several reasons, namely the environmental
concerns, the increase in the price of fossil fuels, and the desire of the developed countries to minimize their
dependence on fossil fuels imported from foreign countries. The implementation of wind energy technology in
Indonesia is still low. The total wind power generation installed in Indonesia is around 1.6 MW in non-commercial
scales [1]. The result of study “Optimized design of wind turbine and wind farm configuration: a case study for
coastal area of South Purworejo, Indonesia” shows that wind turbine type with rotor diameter 113 m and Prated is
3 MW, and this type has a capacity factor approximately 34.22 %, and produces maximum power output; thus, this
type has the biggest result about 1.03 MW [2]. Wind farm configuration with size Lrow = 4 000 m and Lcol = 1 000 m
with 42 turbines, produces total energy about 363 382.71 MWh · (yr)–1, and it has the most optimal result [2].
Wind energy has become very popular in the last few years for several reasons, namely the environmental
concerns, the increase in the price of fossil fuels, and the desire of the developed countries to minimize their
dependence on fossil fuels imported from foreign countries. The implementation of wind energy technology in
Indonesia is still low. The total wind power generation installed in Indonesia is around 1.6 MW in non-commercial
scales [1]. The result of study “Optimized design of wind turbine and wind farm configuration: a case study for
coastal area of South Purworejo, Indonesia” shows that wind turbine type with rotor diameter 113 m and Prated is
3 MW, and this type has a capacity factor approximately 34.22 %, and produces maximum power output; thus, this
type has the biggest result about 1.03 MW [2]. Wind farm configuration with size Lrow = 4 000 m and Lcol = 1 000 m
with 42 turbines, produces total energy about 363 382.71 MWh · (yr)–1, and it has the most optimal result [2].
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