3.6. Lipid oxidation comparisons
The POV markedly increased (P < 0.05) during salting and the
first stages of drying-ripening and reached the peak after 3 days of
drying-ripening. Thereafter, POV decreased until the end of the
drying-ripening process (Table 4). After 3 days of drying-ripening,
the POV value in SS-loin was 4.54% less than that in S-loin
(P < 0.05).
TBARS values in the final S-loin and SS-loin products were
107.69% and 96.92% more than that in raw loin, respectively.
Furthermore, the TBARS in the final SS-loin was 5.19% lower than
that in S-loin (P < 0.05). In the work of Zhai, Zhou, and Ashraf
(1995), histidine, being as a single oxygen scavenger, was found
to significantly inhibit TBARS formation and prevent lipid peroxidation
of rat myocardial membranes. It seemed that the histidine
or/and lysine in the salt substitute contributed to decelerate lipid
peroxidation in dry-cured loin