7.1.1 Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General
and Supplementary Conditions and Other Specification Sections,
apply to this Section.
7.1.2 Furnish and install intumescent fireproofing on structural steel and
support as indicated on the Drawings and as specified herein. This
section includes the following :
Intumescent fire protection material.
Topseal protective decorative finish.
7.2.1 Product Data : For each fire-resistive product specified.
7.2.2 Shop Drawings : Structural framing plans indicating the following :
Locations and types of surface preparations required before applying
sprayed fire-resistive material.
Extent of sprayed fire-resistive material for each construction and
fire-resistance rating, including the following :
Applicable fire-resistive design designations of a qualified testing
and inspecting agency acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction.
Minimum thicknesses needed to achieve required fire-resistance
ratings of structural components and assemblies.
Treatment of sprayed fire-resistive material after application.
7.2.3 Samples for Verification : Of each type of exposed finish required,
prepared on 2 Samples, each 4 inches (102 mm) square, of each color,
gloss, texture and material formulation to be applied.
Where finishes involve normal color and texture variations, include Sample
sets showing the full range of variations expected.
7.2.4 Product certificates : Signed by manufacturer of sprayed fireresistive
material certifying that the products furnished comply
with requirements.
7.2.5 Installer Certificates : Signed by manufacturer certifying that
installers comply with specified requirements.
7.2.6 Qualification Data : For firms and persons specified in “Quality
Assurance” Article to demonstrate their capabilities and experience.
Include lists of completed projects with project names and
addresses, names and addresses of architects and owners, and other
information specified.
7.2.7 Compatibility and adhesion Test Reports : For primers and other
coatings applied to structural steel. Provide reports from a
qualified independent testing and inspecting agency engaged by
Contractor. Confirm that primers and coatings proposed for
application in shop or field are compatible with fire-resistive
material. Instruct laboratory to determine compatibility according
to requirements specified in “Quality Assurance” Article.