The consulting and public accounting firms’ priority
hiring categories are unquestionably similar to each other. In
the top 10 topics found in tier 1, they both contain eight of
the same curriculum topics; all with an emphasis on the
auditing process and financial reporting. But in the second
tier, the consulting and public accounting employers differ.
The public accounting employers place a continued
importance on accounting concepts, such as depreciation,
partnership accounting, and individual taxes. Those in the
consulting category begin to place importance on a broad
array of IT topics that include database design and data
modeling with entity relationship diagrams, network security, and gathering IT requirements.
The consulting and public accounting firms’ priorityhiring categories are unquestionably similar to each other. Inthe top 10 topics found in tier 1, they both contain eight ofthe same curriculum topics; all with an emphasis on theauditing process and financial reporting. But in the secondtier, the consulting and public accounting employers differ.The public accounting employers place a continuedimportance on accounting concepts, such as depreciation,partnership accounting, and individual taxes. Those in theconsulting category begin to place importance on a broadarray of IT topics that include database design and datamodeling with entity relationship diagrams, network security, and gathering IT requirements.
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