Modified concurrent ordering system, which is also an
adaptation of the kanban system, was developed by in 1996 by
Takahashi, Nakamura and Ohashi. This system presents one
characteristic of the concurrent ordering system, proposed earlier,
in order to improve it (Takahashi et al., 1996). In the concurrent
ordering system, the orders releasing depend on inventory of the
final products, that is, if there are no finished products in the final
stage, the order transferring is late until new products are ready.
The authors consider that this can be avoided by an immediate
signal transferring whenever there is a new demand, and not
when the inventory is consumed. Simulations performed by
researchers presented results that show lower waiting times than
in the concurrent ordering system and original kanban system,
but higher average inventory levels. For the same reasons
presented for the concurrent ordering system, this system follows
the original kanban system logic and therefore, it has more
favorable conditions for better performance in both cases
unstable demand and processing time.
Modified concurrent ordering system, which is also anadaptation of the kanban system, was developed by in 1996 byTakahashi, Nakamura and Ohashi. This system presents onecharacteristic of the concurrent ordering system, proposed earlier,in order to improve it (Takahashi et al., 1996). In the concurrentordering system, the orders releasing depend on inventory of thefinal products, that is, if there are no finished products in the finalstage, the order transferring is late until new products are ready.The authors consider that this can be avoided by an immediatesignal transferring whenever there is a new demand, and notwhen the inventory is consumed. Simulations performed byresearchers presented results that show lower waiting times thanin the concurrent ordering system and original kanban system,but higher average inventory levels. For the same reasonspresented for the concurrent ordering system, this system followsthe original kanban system logic and therefore, it has morefavorable conditions for better performance in both casesunstable demand and processing time.
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