The chemicals in garlic are so potent that you can suffer severe burns just by placing a garlic clove against your skin.
Garlic is known to possess powerful antibacterial and anti-viral properties, but not
everyone realizes that these same qualities can also cause the destruction of human cells.
Although perfectly safe if ingested either raw or cooked, the chemicals in garlic can produce severe allergic reactions (contact dermatitis) if applied directly to human skin.
If left on the skin long enough, garlic can produce secondor even third-degree burns severe enough to require skin grafting.
The prevalence of discussions in Internet message boards regarding treatment of such burns (usually caused by people who applied garlic to the skin to treat acne or
moles) shows that understanding of this hazard remains rare.
Even medical literature contains few mentions of the phenomenon.
Yet just as clearly, some people have known about this risk for a long time—one of the best-documented cases of a garlic burn involves three soldiers who deliberately
burned themselves with garlic to try and get out of work.