The purposes of this research were to study the analytical thinking ability and to compare the analytical thinking ability of Matthayomsuksa 2 students before and after instruction through question technique. The sample were 27 Matthayomsuksa 2 students of Naknonbangyang Phitayakhom School in the first semester of 2014 academic year, selected by cluster random sampling. The research instruments were the lesson plan using question technique and test of analytical thinking. The experiment lasted for 17 hours. The data were analyzed by using percentage, mean, standard deviation, and t-test Dependent-Samples. The results revealed that, before instruction through question technique, the
analytical thinking ability in the overview level through criteria and after instruction through question technique, the analytical thinking ability were good in average, at a higher level in ability all , and were significantly higher at .05 level , and considering the aspect all the ability were significantly higher at .05 level.