Despite the area of microwave-assisted chemistry being twenty five years old,1 the technique has only recently received widespread global acceptance in the academic and industrial communities. This is a consequence of the recent availability of commercial microwave systems specific for synthesis, which offer improved opportunities for reproducibility, rapid synthesis, rapid reaction optimization and the potential discovery of new chemistries.2 The beneficial effects of microwave dielectric heating for performing organic reactions are well known (e.g., remarkable reduction of reaction time, improved yields and cleaner reactions than the one performed under conventional thermal heating).3, 3a, 3b and 3c They are finding an increased role in process chemistry, especially in cases when usual methods require forcing conditions or prolonged reaction times. In a large part of the examples published, it was observed that the strong heating due to specific molecules/microwaves interactions can be efficiently used for the synthesis of various heterocyclic rings for which traditional methods failed or are less attractive. In these cases, the use of adapted reactants offers operational, economic and environmental benefits over conventional methods and it allows to performed chemistry in a ‘green approach’.