In this system we make use of a Tag called Abnormality Management Tag (AMT) which is made in three colors indicating three different conditions of the Abnormality i.e. Very Critical (to be attended immediately), Critical and Normal (can be attended later). The lower end of the AMT is perforated and this can be kept by the WCM Secretariat as a record. These Tags are placed on a big board which is divided into three columns indicating the responsibility of the concerned dept / person who is expected to eliminate the Abnormality. Whenever any abnormality is noticed, it is written on the Tag available on the Board and should be placed in the column indicating “Responsibility”. The concerned person after noticing the AMT and rectifying the Abnormality can place the Tag in the column named “ Cleared”. All the employees can effectively use this System. The reverse side of AMT may be used to issue internal warranty.