The result of interview between researcher and midwives and physicians at PHC (September 2011; March 2012; July 2012), and tracing of official documents from Health Department and Professional Organization showed that there have not been detailed administrative procedure on what midwives and physician have to do when they are dealing with HIV suspected patients. Midwives’ knowledge on HIV and AIDS also has not had default standard. In the curriculum of diploma program of Midwifery Studies, knowledge on HIV and AIDS is only taught briefly within the material concerning Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD) in Health Reproduction course (2nd semester) and Midwifery Pathology (4th semester). Therefore, it may be concluded that the issue studied in the research was the fact that the quality service of midwives has not met the maximum standards. It was due to midwives’ lack of knowledge on HIV and AIDS, negative attitude towards HIV and AIDS, lack of consultation skill, and lack of socialization about HIV and AIDS to patients of HMCP.