For the calculation of the optimal plant design according to the
EEG-reference location, the equations presented in section 2 were
implemented in MATLAB. The 10 combinations of the investigated
plant properties with the highest NPV are shown in Table 5, where
the maximum NPV and the corresponding design properties are
The maximum NPV with the technical and economic assumptions
mentioned above is reached with sizing parameters which
actually are state of the art in turbine manufacturing. While
diameter of 154 m and rated power of 7580 kW, respectively, are
even commercially available, the optimal hub height of 136 m is
barely exceeding the technical boundary or, to be more precise, the
largest realized hub height of 135 m. However, by comparison of
ResultsFor the calculation of the optimal plant design according to theEEG-reference location, the equations presented in section 2 wereimplemented in MATLAB. The 10 combinations of the investigatedplant properties with the highest NPV are shown in Table 5, wherethe maximum NPV and the corresponding design properties areaccentuated.The maximum NPV with the technical and economic assumptionsmentioned above is reached with sizing parameters whichactually are state of the art in turbine manufacturing. Whilediameter of 154 m and rated power of 7580 kW, respectively, areeven commercially available, the optimal hub height of 136 m isbarely exceeding the technical boundary or, to be more precise, thelargest realized hub height of 135 m. However, by comparison of
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