In Fig. 2 the original and deconvoluted ATR spectra in the range 800- 1200 cm ’ of
the mixtures of native and Paselli starch samples are given. A similar result is obtained
for the spectra and the diffractograms of the mixtures composed of native and pre-
gelatinized starch. When changing from semi-crystalline to amorphous starch, the
specific molecular surroundings, as present in the starch B-type lattice, become lost and
as a result the spectra of amorphous starches show changes in band shape and intensity.
The IR bands at 1077 and 994 cm-’ do not show significant changes with decreasing
crystallinity. The bands at 1047, 1022, and 861 cm-- ’ are sensitive to changes in
crystallinity. The band at 1022 cm-’ increases with decreasing crystallinity and has
been shown to be characteristic of freshly prepared, hot starch-gel systems [23-281. The band at 1047 cm- ’ appears to be composed of two overlapping bands at 1040 and 1053
cm-‘. Neither of these bands is observed in freshly prepared hot starch gels