The Pride Pattaya Sai 2 Building B Juristic Person would like to inform you that the Common fee and Insurance premium of the year 2014. You can make a payment by 2 ways as follow as,
1. Pay by Cash at the Juristic office
2. Transfer to the Bank account of Juristic Person,
Bank : Kasikorn Bank
Account name : The Pride Pattaya Sai 2 Building B Juristic Person
Account No. : 546-2-04391-2
Account : Saving Account
Branch : The Avenue Pattaya
Therefore, please make a payment within 30 June 2014 otherwise you have to pay the interest 12 % per year by amount of all outstanding if overdue more than 6 month the interest 20 % per year by the rule of juristic person
So, If you made a payment please send the transfer detail and note your room unit for make the receipt to Fax No. 038-428-029 , E-mail , SMS No. 086-398-2052 or 086-321-8817
For your kindly and acknowledgement
Best regards,