Dear all,
First of all, I have to apologize to write this email in English. The reason, my Thai writing recently is so poor. Some Thai wording might spell wrongly and make wrong meaning.
Thanks for your all visiting and allow me to share about the concerning and expectation as I have experience with SCG Heim delivery till now. This show about the willing and vision of SCG Heim management to ensure the best quality to all customers. My wife and myself highly appreciate and believe that we don’t make wrong decision to take SCG Heim for building our home.
We use wording ‘home’ instead of ‘house’ because we believed that home means ‘happiness to stay’ as well as ‘Heim’ in German is also the same meaning. This home is not the first one but we have experience to build up couple of our home already but this home would be our home when we will be in retirements time.
After visiting, I can see lots of improvement and willingness from Site manager as well as all foreman. It also improve my confident to ensure that we will get our home in time and good quality.
Of course, no body perfect and we all need to keep for improvement. Same as day-by-day as I can see, Site management and cleaning still need to continues for improvement and I do hope that SCG Heim also believe as me that we have ‘home’ now then cleaning is key point. This is reason as SCG Heim put sign at the door : ‘Take out your shoe before in’. This need to strongly follow up with all people who will come into home.
Quality of subcontractor is still see as the problem with some of them but I do believe as well that SCG Heim strongly control is a ‘must’.
Anyway, my wife and myself highly appreciate with all support from SCG Heim to ensure the quality of delivery. Thanks for all and bring such good new technology into Thai market