Culture in General. Humans and complex structure that makes it obvious and important. Lifestyle and behavior, which is what the people in the village are created. By learning from each other and share among their own, which can change according to the era and the appropriate cultural treasure that is inherited from the model. First, as evidence of the historical development, the environment, including humans.
Made, including ecological, it is a sign that reflects the success of the people in the past, which.It is a valuable resource, not as a substitute, because it demonstrates the remarkable culture. And the identity of the area, which has been inherited from the past until now and SMEs. Further in the future. Human culture to the benefit of life and religion inheritance. When human life is vast, and there are various aspects to consider more complex example. The story of the culture, so there are several aspects to be looked at. Culture is the way of life of the community is the conduct and who think in a different situation, feeling that same society members can understand and share the bachueng accept and use practices together. Will lead to the development of the quality of life of the people in that society, culture, human life arising from the relationship between the human system with human beings. Human society and human nature. Culture is both the subject matter and format the system idea. The method of structure of social institutions, as well as the plans and everything that man created. A culture is a set of social progress or degeneration, and is given the lives of people in the society, education will make understanding lives. Values of social attitudes and opinions of the person properly makes sense is the same and their cooperation. Cause of peace successfully in society. Life, the behavior is the same. Make compatible with other men in the same society.