3.1. Base cases
The temperature-time profiles for the base case (experiment
1) illustrates that, upon initiating air flow, a temperature spike
was observed that represents the onset of smoldering combustion
(Fig. 2). After the heater was turned off (t = 44 min), the reaction
was self-sustaining as evidenced by the succession of nearly
constant peak temperatures. The figure illustrates that the smoldering
front required 20 min to propagate the length of the column
and, following the reaction’s natural extinction when all the fuel
was consumed, 50 min for the column to cool down. The average
peak temperature (ignoring the first thermocouple to remove the
boundary effect) was 543.0 ± 0.2 ◦C and the average velocity of the
smoldering front was 0.56 ± 0.08 cm/min. These values fall within
the range of those reported for 15%–50% saturation crude oil in
medium sand [15].
All four repeats of the base case experiment produced consistent
results. Calculating 95% confidence intervals assuming a
logarithmic distribution of random error, the mean average peak
temperature was 543 ± 15 ◦C and the mean propagation velocity
was 0.54 ± 0.10 cm/min. These estimates of uncertainty were
assumed to apply to all subsequent experiments.
3.1. Base casesThe temperature-time profiles for the base case (experiment1) illustrates that, upon initiating air flow, a temperature spikewas observed that represents the onset of smoldering combustion(Fig. 2). After the heater was turned off (t = 44 min), the reactionwas self-sustaining as evidenced by the succession of nearlyconstant peak temperatures. The figure illustrates that the smolderingfront required 20 min to propagate the length of the columnand, following the reaction’s natural extinction when all the fuelwas consumed, 50 min for the column to cool down. The averagepeak temperature (ignoring the first thermocouple to remove theboundary effect) was 543.0 ± 0.2 ◦C and the average velocity of thesmoldering front was 0.56 ± 0.08 cm/min. These values fall withinthe range of those reported for 15%–50% saturation crude oil inmedium sand [15].All four repeats of the base case experiment produced consistentresults. Calculating 95% confidence intervals assuming alogarithmic distribution of random error, the mean average peaktemperature was 543 ± 15 ◦C and the mean propagation velocitywas 0.54 ± 0.10 cm/min. These estimates of uncertainty wereassumed to apply to all subsequent experiments.
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