Clinical post traumatic ankle pain
Finding: there is thickened hyper intense signal disrupted fibular attached site of the anterior talofibular ligament mild hyper intense posterior talofibular ligament and calcaneofibular ligament are observed. The anterior and posterior tifl are preserved.
Mild hyper intense superficial and deep deltold ligaments are noted. Associated marrow edema at medial talus is noted.
There is focal irregular hyper intense articular cartilage at anterior-mid medial talar dome with subchondral hyper intense signal lesion detected. No free osteochondral fragment is noted moderate surrounding marrow edema of the media talus is observed.
Moderate joint effusion with mild thickened synovial along anterior and posterior recess. Small anterior tibial marginal osteophytes and talar neck osteophytes is seen.
The tibial and fibular articular surface are preserved.
The anterior and posterior tendons are unremarkable.
Mild hyper intense in anterior surface of the distal Achilles tendon is detected. Minimal fluid along retro calcaneal bursa is noted.
Swelling soft tissue along medial lateral aspect of the ankle noted.
Consistent with osteochondral injury at mid medial lalar dome (OCD), no detached fragment detected.
Complete tear ATaFL, sprain PTaFL, CFL
Mils sprain deep and superficial deltold ligament with marrow edema at medial talus mild synovltis of the ankle joint. Mild anterior impingement noted.
Achilles tendinosis.