XRD patterns of untreated sample (not shown) show the high intensity and broad peaks of silica in the form of a-quartz. It can be clearly observed that the peaks of quartz overlap with the peaks of other minerals in sample and so the other phases are not evidently discernible. No corundum peaks were identified in the patterns, so the Chung method based on RIR value can be applied. After mixing the corundum powder, the samples were analyzed again by XRD (Fig. 4) and weight percent of quartz silica has been calculated by the Chung method in all five samples. The intensities of a-quartz and corundum along with weight percent of quartz silica are presented in Table 4. Ultimately, the XRD pattern of silica removed and well ground with alcohol samples has been obtained (Fig. 5) after applying the required XRD setup conditions mentioned above. Silica removal was confirmed by the much reduced intensity peaks in the XRD pattern. These patterns show the improved intensity peaks with lesser background and low intensity peaks also can be observed. Applying the ‘MATCH!’