40. From MTR onwards, CBRDP introduced new approaches that focused more
explicitly on the identification of poor households, targeting MVFs directly with
agricultural and other activities. More particularly, with support from commune
councillors and representatives from the villages, MVFs were identified and
encouraged to form groups (mainly revolving credit fund groups). MVFs were
provided with special identity cards to provide them with free access to
government services and donor support activities.
41. Relevance rating. CBRDP‟s strong policy alignment, poverty orientation and
attention to decentralization issues are considered as positive contributions to
project relevance. This is despite some design weaknesses (such as with the
irrigation component), a very broad scope and overly complicated monitoring
system. The PPA relevance rating is therefore moderately satisfactory (4).
42. Effectiveness refers to the extent to which project specific objectives23 were
Objective 1: Increased food production and farm income for 39,150 poor
households from intensified and diversified crop and livestock production
43. This objective was principally covered by the agricultural component, which
focused its efforts on increasing the awareness and adoption of intensified and
diversified crop and livestock production to improve household income and food
security. These objectives were partially achieved.
44. In terms of adoption rates, the target indicator (16,000 adopters) was fully
achieved (see table 2 below) if „adoption‟ means having adopted an average of 2-3
CBRDP recommended innovations. If adoption means having adopted only one
innovation, then the target indicator was over achieved (100,000 farmers).