Since moisture stress is known to affect RNA metabolism,
RNase activity in TKM-1 and I.S. was studied in
72 hr imbibed seeds and in 8-day-old shoots and roots
at different water stress levels and the results are presented
in Tables 2 and 3. Considerable differences in RNase
activity between TKM- 1 and IS. were observed. At 72 hr
imbibition the sp. act. of RNase decreased with increasing
water stress. However, the decrease in sp. act. of RNase
in I.S. was 71 y0 while in TKM-1 it was 55 y0 (Table 2).
Sp. act. of RNase in TKM-1 at - 15 bars osmotic potential
(I& was considerably higher compared to IS.