As part of Nova Scotia’s Poverty
Reduction Strategy, Target 100 is an
exciting new initiative developed by the
Nova Scotia Co-operative Council in
partnership with the Provincial
Department of Community Services. The
program is designed to recruit, train and
hire 100 people who are living in poverty
or falling into poverty. Jobs will be offered
in co-operatives and credit unions over
5 years. Target 100 will demonstrate the
values inherent in the co-operative sector
– self-help, equality, honesty, fairness,
social responsibility and caring for others.
As part of Nova Scotia’s PovertyReduction Strategy, Target 100 is anexciting new initiative developed by theNova Scotia Co-operative Council inpartnership with the ProvincialDepartment of Community Services. Theprogram is designed to recruit, train andhire 100 people who are living in povertyor falling into poverty. Jobs will be offeredin co-operatives and credit unions over5 years. Target 100 will demonstrate thevalues inherent in the co-operative sector– self-help, equality, honesty, fairness,social responsibility and caring for others.
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