3.3 Percentage Saturation of COHb
Percentage of the saturation level, % COHb was estimated using equation as given by US
National Air Pollution Control Administration (USHEW, 1970), and methodology described
by Dimitriades and Whisman (1971).
%COHb= 0.005[CO]
Where, carbon monoxide concentration is in ppm and is identified physical affinity level
coefficient. Exposure time, t, is in minutes.
The estimated levels of CO for the different sampling stations were used to prepare a spatial
variation map using ArcGIS 9.0 software.
3.3 Percentage Saturation of COHbPercentage of the saturation level, % COHb was estimated using equation as given by US National Air Pollution Control Administration (USHEW, 1970), and methodology described by Dimitriades and Whisman (1971). %COHb= 0.005[CO] 0.85(t) 0.63(1)Where, carbon monoxide concentration is in ppm and is identified physical affinity level coefficient. Exposure time, t, is in minutes. The estimated levels of CO for the different sampling stations were used to prepare a spatial variation map using ArcGIS 9.0 software.
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