Among the FMPs, there were few correlations between soil
microbiological and soil biochemical variables, thus only five to
nine of seventy two possible correlations were significant and
higher than r = 0.5 (Table 2). Firstly, soil moisture was highly correlated
with soil respiration in CC and Oak and also correlated well
with -glucosidase activity, but only in CC, although this enzyme
activity mainly responded to C soil content. In the same direction,
there was a similar correlation between soil moisture and acid
phosphatase activity, but again C soil content better explained this
latter enzyme activity in CC. However, these former two enzyme
activities responded differently in the other two FMPs, acid phosphatase
activity was mediated by N soil content in CO, while soil
base saturation (K) percentage was the best variable for explaining
both -glucosidase and dehydrogenase activities in Oak. Once
more in CO examination, arylsulphatase activity was more related
to C soil content than N soil content that, in turn, became a better
variable to explain both acid phosphatase and dehydrogenase
Among the FMPs, there were few correlations between soilmicrobiological and soil biochemical variables, thus only five tonine of seventy two possible correlations were significant andhigher than r = 0.5 (Table 2). Firstly, soil moisture was highly correlatedwith soil respiration in CC and Oak and also correlated wellwith -glucosidase activity, but only in CC, although this enzymeactivity mainly responded to C soil content. In the same direction,there was a similar correlation between soil moisture and acidphosphatase activity, but again C soil content better explained thislatter enzyme activity in CC. However, these former two enzymeactivities responded differently in the other two FMPs, acid phosphataseactivity was mediated by N soil content in CO, while soilbase saturation (K) percentage was the best variable for explainingboth -glucosidase and dehydrogenase activities in Oak. Oncemore in CO examination, arylsulphatase activity was more relatedto C soil content than N soil content that, in turn, became a bettervariable to explain both acid phosphatase and dehydrogenaseactivities.
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