The header component known as the mask is made with "beat upon" or container used to steaming glutinous rice, which is the top part looks like a hat. The front is made of wax and coconut stem is cut, tree frog, an eye mask and channel penetration. Sheep, as various shapes according to the imagination of the author by a long Cape khlainguang Chang. He was part of the implementation phase, dry coconut components come sew stuck together. Lol after that will be sewn cloth attach at the top. (back) in order to cover a portion of those put through the shoulders The clothes or wear it as a dress made from cloth taken sewing were "in accordance with the shift points" or buzzer (similar to that of cattle, and Lynch) bound hanging around the waist to keep rhythmic noise occurs easily and staggering hips The final component is a sword or a Crescent blade that is made from light wood. The procession consists of singing, music, fun.