1. The owner’s residence who has requirements for repairing, you can inform the requirements for repairing and fill in the repair form with the Juristic Person staff at THE SHINE’s Juristic Person office by yourself during 9.00AM – 6.00PM everyday (For emergency case, you can inform the requirements for repairing until 8.00PM)
In case of The owner’s residence cannot inform the requirements for repairing and fill in the repair form by yourself, you can contact with the Juristic Person staff at Tel. 053-105738 by indentify the problems and requirement to solve and send copy of identity card to the Juristic Person office in order to be the evidence for repairing inform (The owner’s residence can send copy of identity card by fax no.053-105739 or you can send via email address to theshine.kpjuristic@gmail.com)