Comparing the Evolution of CSR Reporting to that of Financial
Daniel Tschopp • Ronald J. Huefner
Abstract This paper compares between the evolution of
financial reporting and corporate social responsibility
(CSR) reporting. Our comparison follows a framework of
seven factors for exploring comparative accounting history
put forth by Carnegie and Napier (Account Audit Account
J 15(5):689–718, 2002): Period, Places, People, Practices,
Propagation, Products, and Profession. Using this framework
allows for a comparison of similarities and differences
as to how both types of reporting have evolved.
Some of the defining moments in the evolution of financial
reporting have yet to take place in the development of CSR
reporting; such as an event that legitimizes a CSR reporting
standard or gives CSR reporting global recognition. The
evolutionary process may not follow the same path as
financial reporting did due to the varying stakeholders
involved. However, there are enough similarities that still
make the evolution of financial reporting a useful comparative
tool to analyze the potential growth and development
of CSR reporting. Financial reporting has evolved
into a comparable and reliable market-based resource over
the last 100 years. Relative to this timeline CSR reporting
is still in its infancy. CSR reporting has come a long way
since early reports were first issued, but there remain many
deficiencies in comparability, consistency, reliability, and
relevance. The results of this comparison provide some
insight on the possible future development of CSR
reporting. Our goal is that this paper contributes to an
understanding of CSR reporting’s past and provides
insights into CSR reporting’s present and future.
Keywords CSR reporting Corporate social
responsibility Financial accounting Environmental
accounting Reporting standards
Corporate social responsibility (CSR) reporting has been
emerging over the past several years, though it is still in its
infancy. It has developed to the point where it seems unlikely
that it will go away. Rather, it seems destined to become a key
part of the overall accounting reporting framework, joining
external financial reporting, income tax reporting, regulatory
reporting, and internal reporting. As CSR reporting is an
emerging field, we provide a structured look at its development
to date, and consider where it may be headed.
In Carnegie and Napier’s study ‘‘Exploring comparative
international accounting history,’’ published in the
Accounting, Auditing,&Accountability Journal, the authors
developed a framework of seven dimensions (detailed later)
to define comparative international accounting history
(CIAH) and examine research within that genre (2002). That
paper evaluated ‘‘the potential of CIAH to contribute to an
understanding of accounting’s past and provide insights into
accounting’s present and future’’ (Carnegie and Napier 2002,
p. 689). Using Carnegie and Napier’s framework for the
comparative study of accounting systems, we compare the
development of CSR reporting to date with the longer
established development of financial reporting. Our goal is
that this paper contributes to an understanding of CSR
reporting’s past and provides insights into CSR reporting’s
present and future.
The Carnegie and Napier framework is used to provide a
format for comparison. The evolution of CSR reporting
may not follow a linear path to that of financial reporting,
but there is still much to be learned from a comparison. As
future issues relating to the convergence, harmonization,
evolution, and diffusion of CSR reporting standards grow
in importance, a comparison to how those issues played out
in financial reporting can be useful.
The Current State of CSR Reporting Standards
Currently, the three most widely recognized CSR reporting
standards are the Global Reporting Initiative’s (GRI) G3
standards, AccountAbility’s AA1000 Series, and the United
Nations (UN) Global Compact’s Communication on
Progress (COP). There are hundreds of domestic CSR
reporting guidelines, principles, regulations, and standards,
and several other global initiatives, such as Organization
for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)
Guidelines, International Labour Organization (ILO)
Conventions, and International Organization for Standardization
(ISO) Standards. However, the GRI’s G3,
AA1000 Series, and UN’s COP represent the most widely
recognized international standards that involve external
reporting on both social and environmental issues (Koerber
2009). These are the only three reporting standards listed
on, a global CSR resources website,
which advertises itself as the world’s largest online
directory of CSR reports.
The Global Reporting Initiative’s G3 Standards
The GRI first issued guidelines in a 1999 exposure draft.
These guidelines were revised in the 2000 launch, revised
in 2002, and then the current G3 guidelines were published
in 2006. New G4 standards are due to be launched in 2013.
The GRI uses a multi-stakeholder consensus-seeking
approach to develop its guidelines. First, a multi-stakeholder
working group of about twenty individuals,
including representatives from business, civil society,
labor, investors, and accountants, develop a new or updated
component to the guidelines. This process may take up to
1 year, after which the draft is exposed to the public for
comments for at least 90 days. After addressing these
comments, the working group then submits the proposal to
the GRI’s Technical Advisory Committee for review. Once
approved, it is used as a pilot version for at least 1 year.
Organizations participating in the pilot project give feedback
to the Technical Advisory Committee. The Technical
Advisory Committee then makes a recommendation to the
Board of Directors that it either be reworked or released as
a final version (GRI 2013).
The G3 guidelines consist of Reporting Principles,
Reporting Guidance, and Standard Disclosures. Companies
following the guidelines address five content areas:
• Strategy and Analysis
• Organizational Profile
• Report Parameters
• Governance, Commitments, and Engagement
• Management Approach and Performance Indicators.
The GRI promotes the G3 standards as being applicable to
organizations of any size, sector, or location. There are also
sector supplements to complement the G3 guidelines for
twelve different industries; including oil and gas, electric
utilities, and mining and minerals (GRI 2013).
The GRI provides different application levels of their
guidelines. Organizations of different sizes, resources,
experience, or goals may choose a level that best meets
their needs. The application levels are designated A, B, or
C, with a C level requiring the least disclosure. A plus (?)
is added to the application level if the report is externally
assured. The application level is self-declared, but the GRI
or a third party can confirm the level. While the GRI does
not provide assurance or audit services for the reports, there
are public accounting firms, non-government organizations
(NGOs), and consulting firms that provide these services.
The United Nations Global Compact’s Communication
on Progress
The Global Compact was established in 2000. It is based on
ten principles of human rights, labor standards, environmental
standards, and anti-corruption. The Global Compact’s
governance is committed to promoting these
principles, in part through the COP, the reporting component
of the UN Global Compact. While the ten principles
have not changed since inception, the governance framework
that comprises the UN Global Compact has evolved
since its inception to include a wider variety of stakeholders
and Global Compact participants, in addition to the
UN agencies that are involved. The Global Compact network
is currently comprised of almost 800 business associations,
57 labor organizations, over 2,200 civil society
organizations, over 700 academic participants, 171 public
sector organizations, and 73 municipal organizations
(UNGC 2013). Participation in the UN Global Compact’s
COP has increased from 656 participants at the end of 2003
to 11,745 current participants (UNGC 2013). The COP
does not have a standardized format, but it must contain an
executive statement of continued support for the Global
Compact, description of practical actions taken to implement
the Global Compact principles, and measurement of
current or expected outcomes. The statement of continued
support should state why the company follows the ten
principles, how they are engaged with the Global Compact,
and any major actions they have taken to implement the
principles (UNGC 2013).
There are no rules an institution has to follow to demonstrate
that they have implemented the ten principles, but the
UN recommends institutions follow a commitment—system—
activity approach to reporting. They can demonstrate
commitment through a written statement. They can then
describe the processes or systems in place to ensure the
commitments are met. The institution is also encouraged to
describe the actions they have taken to demonstrate their
commitment. The final step is an outcomes assessment. The
UN Global Compact encourages institutions to identify performance
indicators that relate to each of the ten principles.
Institutions can choose indicators or metrics that they feel are
most representative of their overall performance. Finally,
institutions are encouraged to share their COP with their
stakeholders through their annual report or in a separate CSR
report, and by posting it on the Global Compact website.
AccountAbility’s AA1000 Series
The AA1000 Series are principle-based standards created
for organizations to help them address and improve sustainability
performance. The AA1000 Series began in 1999
and includes the AA1000 Principles Standard, AA1000
Assurance Standard, and AA1000 Stakeholder Engagement
Standard. The AA1000 Principles Standar