What You Need to Know
In an effort to streamline the vector upload process, we recently announced our new vector submission requirements. Going forward, please be aware of the
following changes:
- You can now upload vectors that are compatible with Adobe Illustrator 10.
- We will continue to accept files that are compatible with Illustrator 8.
- With both Illustrator 8 and Illustrator 10 files, the maximum file size is now 15 MB.
The JPG Preview requirement remains the same. Please continue submitting your low-res JPG previews along with your vector files.
Current Illustrator 8 Vector files in your portfolio will remain as is. These new requirements only affect the type of file you upload from now on — it is not necessary to upload new versions of your current Illustrator 8 files.
These changes will enable you to create more complex designs and should result in fewer rejections for Color Profile and Transparency reasons.
Please Note: We want to see the type of Illustrator 10 files you submit to us as well as the Illustrator 8 files that you are accustomed to submitting. Experiment and be creative!
We thank you for submitting quality work and we look forward to reviewing your new vector format files. If you have questions, please contact us at submit@shutterstock.com.
For more information, please see these Shutterbuzz article(s):