Concerning the volume increase (%), the cooked noodles prepared by substitution of wheat flour with 5% and 10% native starch, 10%, 15% pregelatinized starch were in the first order having significantly the same highest volume increase being equal to that of the control cooked noodles. However, cooked noodles contained 15% native starch was in the second order, followed by noodles that contained 15% acid-thinned starch, then those that contained 10% acid-thinned starch, and 5%, 15% dextrinized starch. The cooked noodles that contained 5% pregelatinized starch, 10% dextrinized starch and 5% acid-thinned starch showed the lowest volume increase values. Similar observations are in accordance with Kim and Wiesenborn (1996).