I read this when it came out in 1996, even before Joe Klein was outed as the author. I love a good behind-the-scenes political story, and if that's what you like, this novel delivers it in spades. It follows the presidential campaign of Southern governor Jack Stanton, and the events are loosely based on Bill Clinton's 1992 campaign. Stanton is a notorious flirt and frequently gets into trouble with women. He is skilled at telling stories and manipulating people. We see the campaign through the eyes of idealistic staffer Henry Burton, and as events unfold, he grows more disenchanted with Stanton's behavior.
While this is an enjoyable novel, I would recommend pairing it with George Stephanopoulos' memoir, All Too Human, which describes his experiences on the Clinton campaign and working for him in the White House. Both books are interesting reads and I highly recommend them for political junkies.