That is very true. There are very few American expats and the one man I did
meet left for home in Santa Cruz 1 day after I met him. But, thanks to him I
was introduced to many others.
Have I lost weight....interesting question. I haven't bothered to step on a scale
but if I had to wager a bet I would say no. These expats love to drink their
beer and the Thai's love their homemade whisky. Having indulged excessively
in both I would think it safe to say I haven't lost a thing except more brain cells.
The expats living here have done everything in their power to convince me that
Thailand, and particularly Chiang Rai is the place to settle. Everyday there is
something new.
I hope you have a wonderful Christmas. As you already know Christmas will
come and go here without even being noticed. I will probably celebrate over a
beer at Rico's with the guys and any women that might show up. I will readily
admit I will hate to leave Thailand this time. The people are wonderful.
Anyway, I could ramble on but I'll save that for when I return,