Lecithin in Swine Diets: I. Weanling Pigs'
ABSTRACT One digestibility experiment (Exp. 1)and two growth experiments (Exp. 2 and 3) wereconducted to evaluate the use of lecithin as an emulsifier of soy oil and(or) an energy source in atwo-phase starter diet program. Phase 1 consisted of d0 to 14 postweaning, and Phase 2 consisted of d 14 to35 postweaning. Diets were based on corn, soybeanmeal, and 20% dried whey and contained a constantME:lysine level. In Exp. 1 and 2, two levels of lecithin(0 and 2%) at two levels of soy oil (0 and 6%) were investigated. In both experiments, there was nointeraction between lecithin and soy oil for any traitsmeasured. In Exp. 1, the apparent digestibility of fatincreased significantly with increased fat level in the diets.