The key success factors are: Consumer Knowledge, size of the organization, brand loyalty, price and taste of the product. Consumer knowledge is huge because if you don’t know what type of consumer you wish to cater to then marketing a product would be more difficult. Size of the organization is another key success factor. Large distributors have the ability to negotiate with more options making them the exclusive supplier for a specified period of time. Additionally, they have the ability to commit to mass purchases that significantly lower their costs. Establishing brand loyalty is a large aspect of this industry as well. Many consumers are dedicated to a particular product and rarely purchase other varieties. This stresses the importance of developing and maintaining a superior brand image. Price is also a key success factor; consumers without a strong brand preference will select the product with the most competitive price. Finally, taste of the product is the last key success factor. Consumers who don’t regularly drink the products offered by these companies will resort back to the memory of taste