This article focuses on the Brazilian 3PL sector, with the objective of identifying the chief
determinants of scale efficiency. To this end, a review of the literature was carried out, both to
characterize the sector, and to justify the two-stage model adopted. More precisely, estimation of the
DEA efficiency was followed by Tobit regression analysis using unbalanced panel data, thus allowing
the estimation of the effect contextual variables have on sector scale efficiency. The results provided
support for the positive impact of coordination processes, based on the use of information technologies
and inventory synchronization mechanisms – such as just in time and milk run - on logistics
The remainder of the article is comprised of five sections. Next section discusses the role of
3PLs in supply chains, the main services provided and the information technologies available to be
adopted. Also presented are the scant previous studies that applied DEA to the 3PL sector in other
countries. The section entitled Two-Stage DEA Modeling provides a more detailed presentation of the
two-stage DEA model as well as justification for the choice of scale efficiency as a way to evaluate the
impact of coordination processes on logistics performance. Then the data are analyzed and the results
discussed. Last section presents the paper’s conclusions.