MDG: 8 Develop A Global Partnership For Development Aia to developing countries is at a record high, but fous short of promises made in 2005 at Gleneogles FINISHED Introduction: The Millennium Goals represent a global partnership for development. The deal mokes clear that it is the primary responsibility of poor countries to work towards achieving the fir seven Goan they mult do their port ensure greater to citizens and lent use resources But t countries to achieve the first seven Goals, it is absolutely critical thot rich c delver on finer end of the bargain with more and more ettective aid, more sustainable debt eiet and forer tade rues well in advance of 2015 The Targets: Develop further an open rule-based predictable. non discriminatory hoding and oricio system. Includes a commitment to good governance, development and poverty reducton- both nationally and internationally) Address the special needs of the ieast developed countries udes tartt and quota free access for the least developed counties' exports enhanced programme otdebt rele to heavily indebted poor counties (HIPO) ond concelaron of official baateral debt and move generous ODA for countries committed to poverty reduction) Address the special needs of landlocked developing countries and smaliilond develocing States (through the Programme of Action for the Sustainable Development of Small liond Developing States and the outcome of the twenty-second speciol session of the General Assembly) Deal comprehensively with the debt problems of developing countries through notonal and international measures order to make debt astainable in the long term in in cooperation with pharmaceutical companies provide accesi to oho doble eisei dug in developing countries benefits ofnew lechnologies In cooperation with the private sector, make available the especially information and communications