ND002 - Negligent Driving RUH
When driving near parked vehicles, you should -
- Check for parked vehicles with turn signals on, or children about to
step out.
- Stop, if you see a car with its right-hand indicator on.
- Sound your horn and flash your headlights to warn drivers not to pull out.
ND004 - Negligent Driving RUH
You are approaching a hill or curve. You must not cross the centre line to overtake -
- If you do not have a clear view of any approaching traffic.
- If you cannot see clear road ahead for 100 metres.
- If you cannot see clear road ahead for 75 metres.
ND005 - Negligent Driving RUH
You are approaching the crest (top of a hill) on a narrow road, the safest procedure is to -
- Keep to the left and slow down.
- Flash your headlights to warn oncoming traffic.
- Increase your speed and sound your horn.
ND007 - Negligent Driving RUH
On a single laned road (as shown), you must always overtake another vehicle on its right except
when -
- The other vehicle is turning right.
- You are travelling at more than 80 km/h.
- The other vehicle is going slower than you.