Statistical Population and Sampling
The statistical population in this study includes all students of Tehran Alzahra University that were from different majors and different levels of education. The sample volume has been calculated using GPower3.1 as 140 people. In order to select the members of sample, the random sampling method has been used.
Analyses and Results
Analyses and Results In the present study in order to test the hypotheses an expert-designed questionnaire was used for e-learning and intrinsic motivation that included 18 questions, which was according to 5-point scales of a Likert Scale (from 1=strongly disagree to 5 =s trongly agree). In this study the reliability of questionnaire was examined through Cronbach's alpha (e-learning questionnaire 0.63 and intrinsic motivation 0.74), that is presented in Tables 1 & 2. And the validity was approved by experts view then a pilot study was conducted to improve the reliability of the instrument. Collected data was analyzed using inferential statistics (Pearson correlation coefficient to calculate the correlation size between two variables) through a statistical analysis program, SPSS 20. Finding showed that results are consistent with the hypotheses. The results of the research showed, that there is a significant relationship between e-learning and students’ motivation. Findings indicated that when teachers apply e-learning, more motivation is generated by students and vice versa. Considering the collected data, the correlation matrix between variables has been computed. The computed coefficient in the matrix is presented in table 3. Moreover, the results showed that there is not a significant difference in relationship between e-learning and students' motivation in different ages and different levels of education that is presented in table 4.