1. The randomness observed in Ca-to-P ratio when comparing different animal handling
facilities can not be completely attributed to the insects’ own metabolic capacity. Many of
the non-treatment factors had significant effects. Although data from this experiment are
inconclusive to make confident recommendations about non-treatment factors, further
research should be undertaken.
2. The considerable drop in fat concentration as seen in the adult crickets after 3-days
supplementation, is a very notable statistic and one that requires further investigation.
3. The Ca-to-P ratio of 1:1 can be obtained through gut-loading, although achieving it regularly
under any condition is difficult. Even though dusting achieved increased Ca concentrations,
due to the variability observed in this experiment, it is not recommended as an alternative.
However prior to making definite zoo-wide recommendations in regards to the insect
supplementation protocol, further investigation and supplementary surveys must be