Previously, assessments and evaluations were primarily conducted
using a grading system to assess the test scores. In this
project, we attempted to use the core professional competencies in
nursing as the basis for change in the format of assessment and
evaluation. We simulated the hospital setting, adding house rabbits
as part of a real practical element, and assessed the clinical skills of
the two student groups based on their experimental technical
proficiency. The content examined included: situation evaluation
(appropriate selection of the case study, logical design and layout of
the scene, and appropriate preparation for animal experimentation);
practical proficiency (success rate of animal experiments,
various practical competencies completed and connected appropriately,
with all of the actions appropriate to the standard of
practice); and interpersonal communication (appropriate language
used throughout the scenario, and appropriate responses and actions
in the role-play). Then, the examiner evaluated the student's
interpretation of the situation, taking into account the comments
by other assessors, assessing the student's critical thinking and
ability to respond under pressure. A score was given based on the
student's performance in all five areas, with a maximum score of
100 points (80e89 indicating a pass, 90e94 as merit, and 95 or
above as a distinction)