collapse developing tar sands and Cole jail is the equivalent here are just a
few of the investments that i personally think makes sense i have a stake in
these so i'll have a disclaimer there but geothermal concentrating solar
advanced photo voltex efficiency and conservation you've seen this slide
before but there's a change the only two countries that didn't ratify now there's
only one australia had an election and there was a campaign in Australia that
involved television and internet and radio commercials to lift the sense of
urgency for the people there and we trained 250 people to give the slideshow
in every town and village and city in australia lot of other things
contributed to it but the new prime minister announced that his very first
priority would be to change Australia's position on Kyoto and he has now they
came to an awareness partly because of the horrible drought that they have had
this is Lake Lanier my friend Heidi colon said that if we gave droughts
names the way we give hurricanes names we call the one in the southeast now
Katrina and we would say it's headed toward atlanta we can't wait for the
kind of drought australia had to change our political culture
here's more good news the city supporting Kyoto in the US are up to 780
and i thought i saw one go by there just to localize this
which is good news now to close we heard a couple of days ago about the value of
making individual heroism a so commonplace that it becomes banal