You have just received you monthly account statement from "Coal Cal's Place" (P.O. Box 123, Mercantile LA 43430) , which is your favorite store. You immediately notice the there is a "late/no payment" fee of $25 and a charge for $100 dated September 1,2015 on the account that you did not make.
You also note that the payment you made of $100 on September 1,2015, is not shown on the statement either. The date of the mystery charge and the date that you made your payment at the store are the same September 1,2015. You think that the clerk mistakenly entered your payment as a purchase. You still have the receipt from you payment on you account. The receipt is number "05-05-15-0225" which was initialed by a "RMB". Your account number is CCPS-258-9963. Please wtite a letter reqiiestng that these 2 errors be corrected and that the late/no payment fee be removed from your account. Your home address ia in Silver Springs,TX. The zip code there is 98652. You house is at 232 River Run Dr.