Antarctic invertebrates are presented by great number of species though their variety is very insignificant in comparison with other parts of the world. Insects are most numerous among them. In conditions of extreme climate primitive insects of tiny size prosper � for example, springtails are. In Antarctic Region there is a great number of species of dragonflies of various families, and some of them grow to significant size. Their larvae occupy various ecological niches in freshwater reservoirs, and larvae of separate group of fish-dragonflies of damselfly family partly replace small freshwater fishes. Besodes for dragonflies, in fresh waters of Antarctica water bugs live � Naucoridae (creeping water bugs) and Corixidae. The number of ground-dwelling bugs is small, but they have various food predilections: there are plant-sucking kinds and predators, and also some parasitic blood-sucking bugs living in bird nests. The most numerous kinds of insects of Antarctic Region belong to dipterans: mosquitoes and midges breed in great number in fresh water. The most part of them is blood-sucking forms. Among mosquitoes of Antarctica the atypical kinds resembling horse-flies have appeared, and some ones turned to active predators similar to bugs. Larvae of crane flies replace earthworms absent at the continent and are active soil-formers. In Antarctic Region some families of beeyles live; they are mainly herbivorous, and leaf beetles among them in particular. Antarctic lepidopterans � moths and butterflies � have small size and dim colouring. From social insects at the continent there are some species of bees forming small colonies existing for one season.