Working hard is the fortune," it's like this dude.
In our daily lives, we certainly will have to eat must be used.
And then what we are used to seeing:
But we do make money.
It must work, Yes?
You see, for example, many people would be in Thailand.
Example Mr. c p
More than a thousand trillion is money.
You have to work harder than you are today?
Even though he was not one of the high school to send anything.
But because he is working hard, working from the children.
Even in old age he still needs working on.
Back to the lottery.
"All you've ever seen anybody play the lottery, some rich dude?" silent.
Who's playing partner, rich does?, I have several persons.
Sir, I believe that the rich
But he was passed over to the rich have to crawl, it was topped with rose failing lol.
But who would dare come to reveal the dark side of yourself.
Today I do not want to say to all of you quit the lottery.
Or quit the stock
But I want to see that if we play these things, we're boiling hot.
Yes, of course, play to
But the main thing you must believe in your work, into hard.
Because the more people work harder much
What you have is a more experienced craftsmanship skills.
A shadow as he
This time he is going to go there promoting your people.
Support for you and your luck will come to grow cube itself lol.
"Luck is not to scrape the sky.
But as we only want to write its own fate.