Sustainability is oft thought of as the privilege of the large corporate – with suffi cient funds
to invest in anything from effective green Public Relations (PR) to improving its carbon
footprint. What is perhaps less well-understood and documented is the range of activities
undertaken by small and medium enterprises (SMEs), including very small entrepreneurial
start-ups, some of which base their entire business rationale on sustainable principles. This
paper uses a case study approach to explore the modus operandi of ecopreneurship and
draws on both primary research and secondary data to develop and explore sustainable
entrepreneurship in this sector. Preliminary fi ndings suggest that ecopreneurial SMEs are
looking to other goals alongside fi nancial ones and are prepared to go to signifi cant lengths
to achieve such goals. Monetary measures are not, of course, entirely absent, but are very
strongly conditioned by the ecoconscious nature of the business. In short, sustainability
imperatives remain paramount.