This family, which is typical of families in many rich nations, appears to
have a reasonably good life. The parents have the opportunity and the necessary
education or training to secure regular employment; to shelter, clothe,
feed, and educate their children; and to save some money for later life.
Against these “economic” benefits, there are always “noneconomic” costs. The
competitive pressures to “succeed” financially are very strong, and during inflationary
or recessionary times, the mental strain and physical pressure of
trying to provide for a family at levels that the community regards as desirable
can take its toll on the health of both parents. Their ability to relax, to enjoy
the simple pleasures of a country stroll, to breathe clean air and drink pure
water, and to see a crimson sunset is constantly at risk with the onslaught of
economic progress and environmental decay. But on the whole, theirs is an
economic status and lifestyle toward which many millions of less fortunate
people throughout the world seem to be aspiring.
Now let us examine a typical “extended” family