significantly influenced the efficiency, system availability, fulfilment, and privacy dimensions
but did not significantly affect the entertainment dimension of e-SQ. Extroversion
and agreeableness significantly influenced the efficiency, fulfilment, privacy, and entertainment
dimensions but did not significantly affect the system availability dimension
of e-SQ.
Table 3. Instruments adopted.
Research constructs
Measurement items
Initial Final Cronbach’s a
Personality trait Neuroticism 7 7 0.656
Openness 9 8 0.763
Extroversion 9 5 0.675
Agreeableness 9 7 0.547
Conscientiousness 6 3 0.677
Service Quality Efficiency 8 8 0.834
System availability 4 3 0.871
Fulfilment 7 6 0.920
Privacy 3 3 0.844
Entertainment 4 4 0.851
Satisfaction 4 3 0.876
Table 4. Descriptive statistics of the participants’ profiles.
Gender Frequency % Age Frequency %
Male 320 66.0% ,15 9 1.9%
Female 165 34.0% 15–18 80 16.5%
Education Freq. % 19–23 237 48.9%
,Junior high school 19 3.9% 24–28 115 23.7%
Senior high school 91 18.8% 29–35 40 8.2%
College/university 336 69.3% 36–42 3 0.6%
Graduate 39 8.0% .43 1 0.2