Calvin discussed about how the earth’s political structure changed from individual nations to large “regions.” She recalled a man, Stephen Byerley, who ran a city governor of one of the regions. The story began with Francis Quinn, a politician, was trying to convince Lanning, Director of U.S. Robots, to keep Byerley out of political office because he is a robot. Byerley denied this, but let Quinn based his campaign on “Testing whether or not he is a robot”. Byerley returned home and told John, crippled man who lived with him and who he’d called “teacher,” about Quinn’s strategy. Afterward, there was a huge Dissenter’s protest outside Byerley’s home. He went outside to talk to them and a man challenged Byerley to hit him to prove that he wasn’t a robot. Byerley was obliged to hit that man and Calvin pronounces him a human, because the First Law (do not harm a human) would have stopped him if he were a robot. Later, Calvin revealed to Byerley that he really was a robot. She recalled that a biophysicist named Byerley was horribly crippled in an accident. Calvin theorized that the real Byerley actually was the old cripple, “John,” and that he built a new body around a positronic brain he’d acquired. Byerley didn’t. Calvin suggested that Byerley hit wasn’t really a human. She said that there was one time when a robot may harm a human being without breaking the First Law. It was when the human being was another robot.