Posted on Jun 27, 2016by Amanda Stewart
A Fairfax County school employee has been arrested and charged with embezzling money from student lunch accounts, police said.
Police say Fadwa Sarsaur, 51, stole money from student lunch accounts at Bailey’s Elementary School, at 6111 Knollwood Drive in Falls Church.
Sarsaur, a food services kitchen manager, has been suspended without pay, Fairfax County school spokesman John Torre said.
Police said they began investigating the embezzlement allegations June 16, after Fairfax County Public Schools’ Internal Investigations Section notified police. A food services manager contacted the internal investigations section after noticing “discrepancies in accounting records,” Fairfax County police said in the news release.
Police investigated and determined that over a three-year period, Sarsaur “allegedly took a large sum of money from several different lunch accounts.”
Police did not disclose the amount Sarsaur is accused of stealing.
Detectives obtained warrants charging Sarsaur with three counts of embezzlement and she turned herself in at the Fairfax County Adult Detention Center Friday, police said.