You have enough brains for two people and you know how to use the old grey matter too. You can flirt the socks off the rest of us because you know who to read people and what's likely to get into their head. You can make people laugh and you have some of the most brilliant insights around. Forget what you've heard about Geminis being two-faced. It's not that you're anymore two-faced than the next person. You just have an uncanny ability to see every story from at least two sides, which can be confusing to those around you. You're the curious type and you're not afraid of asking the kinds of questions which can make others squirm a little. Let them squirm. Sometimes there are questions which just need to be asked, and if it falls to you to do the interrogating, so be it!
You're a versatile mutable sign which means that you're rarely rigid in your ideas. In fact, flitting from one idea to the next is your forte and one of your weaknesses. Far from needing to learn to keep your mind open, you need to learn to focus on one thing at a time. Your knowledge and the diversity of that knowledge means that you don't like to be kept on one track and if there is one criticism people are likely to make of you it's that you tend to intellectualise things too much. You even try to intellectualise and rationalise feelings. Next time you find yourself doing this, stop, and do a double check, to discover how you feel, rather than how you think you feel.